Thursday, July 22, 2010


I was feeling pretty terrible yesterday about the luck I've been having with my job search, but then right when I was about to bash my head on a dull rock, I finally got a response from one of the places I'd applied to.  It's delightfully close to here, less than a 10-minute drive, and seems like a pretty cool place to work.  It's a customer service job, and the pay isn't anything amazing, but just getting an interview for once was a much-needed boost to my self-esteem.  I should hear back pretty soon whether or not they'll hire me, but I guess either way I feel like at least now I've made some progress.  I like to watch "To Catch a Predator" before interviews, because then even if I get asked a question I wasn't prepared for, at least the interviewer isn't Chris Hansen and isn't saying things like, "Why don't you have a seat over there..." or "I have your chat logs.". 
Oh, and Kaz got me flowers yesterday (sunflowers, no less!) because he knew I was upset, he's too good to me. (♡´∀`♡)
My anti-snacking has been going very well lately, I'm the lowest weight I've been since like... high school!  And that was like a thousand years ago!  The Wii fit was expressing it's concerns that a "healthy" weight for me is like 145 lbs., so I told it to STFU and shoved it back under the coffee table where it belongs.
Guess I'll go watch some Law and Order and get dinner started.  What should I make?!  According to, I should make winter lentil soup.  I disagree for so many reasons... (´・д・`) 

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