Thursday, July 15, 2010


I did my Wii Fit Plus again after 11 days, and though I was expecting to weigh more than last time, I actually lost 2 lbs. =D  I'm going to try and keep up with it every day, as well as not snacking out of boredom.  So far I'm doing pretty well.  There's a pack of fruit snacks in the kitchen that are trying to make me stray, but I'm determined to hold out until dinner.
I unlocked the Island View course in the cycling activity, it's actually quite hard.  It took me 14 minutes to finish, and it was exhausting.  Then again, I'm pretty out of shape, and aerobic exercises have never been my forte.  I like it, though, it gives you a specific task to complete so it's not as boring to me as running on a treadmill.  And I don't have a treadmill, anyway, so this will have to suffice.  I guess I'll see if I can beat my score tomorrow.
My other goal is to get back into the habit of studying from my JLPT books, I have so many of them but haven't actually done anything with them in ages.  At some point, most likely in the very distant future, I'd like to be able to pass 1-kyuu.  My Japanese has gotten a lot worse from not practicing, though, I doubt I'd be able to pass 2 if I had to take it again.

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