Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Slight correction to my last post. Well, an update, not a correction. The person who took the 1-bedroom we originally wanted decided to go for a bigger place, so we ended up being able to get that one after all! I'm strangely disappointed that we won't have 2 bedrooms now, even though we don't need it and wouldn't have nearly enough furniture to fill the space. The 1-bedroom has a nice design, though, pictures will be forthcoming as soon as we're all moved in!

Furthermore, we went to the animal shelter last Sunday to look at cats. There's something distressing about being in a room full of mewing kittens in cages, I felt like they needed my help and like I should have freed them or something. It's a no-kill shelter, and they all seem to be treated very well, the staff was really helpful. That said, they had a rule that says any kittens under 5 months need to be adopted in pairs. A good rule, I suppose, though having 2 cats right away in this new apartment would be a bit daft. Eventually, if it seems doable, I'd like to bring Reiko here as well. She doesn't care for change too much, though.

Anyway, we ended up looking at the available kittens at a shelter in McHenry (annoyingly far from here, but okay), and I am absolutely in LOVE with this one kitten. The shelter doesn't have a physical location, most of the pets are kept with foster families, but I've been trying to contact them for the past 2 days with no luck. I'm afraid someone will adopt her before I can get to the place! They must be pretty disorganized, because I emailed them Sunday with no response, then Kaz called them today and no one answered or phoned him back. It's so frustrating!

Maybe I'll e-mail them again tonight, but I don't want to seem crazy. Ugh.

Edit: Why does this post specifically keep attracting weird spam comments? It's really annoying, I'm disabling them on this one. D:<


K said...

I'm glad you're looking to a shelter to adopt a cat :D I volunteer at my local no-kill shelter and every kitty counts! If I were you, though, I'd adopt an older cat. Kittens go quickly, while some older cats stay for years. Even just the "teenagers" (6 months ~ 1 year) don't get adopted as quickly, and that would get around the pair rule right? There's less surprise with an older cat too, their personality has fully developed and you know their habits beforehand, while kittens change as they grow up (example, you can't really train a kitten to be a lap cat, but you could adopt an older cat you already know is a lap cat)... you also miss the awkward phase of them climbing up the curtains and being so small you step on them XD

Taryn said...

Yeah, I volunteered at a no-kill shelter when I was in college, so I've seen how people tend to neglect the adult cats and go right for the kittens. :(

I did suggest getting an adult cat, though my boyfriend seems to have his heart set on a kitten. It's really hard to get an accurate idea of what the cats are like when you aren't around them for more than a few minutes, though I think if I were volunteering there, I'd want to bring all of them home with me!