Had to take a bit of a break from the internet for a while, my mom was visiting me in Chicago this week so I was kind of busy. She just left this morning, though, so now I have more than enough free time to write.
I've been in a bit of a bad mood because my job-hunting is so discouraging, and I just found out that Kaz has to go on 2 consecutive business trips starting Thursday. Three weeks in California, and two in Mississippi. I don't know anything about Mississippi except that I don't like writing it, and their king is sort of a douchebag. Also, there are a lot of werewolves. I'm very much not looking forward to all this impending me-time, but I'm going to at least try to stay optimistic. We'll see how that goes. ( ̄~ ̄;)
Anyway, last Saturday we (Kaz, my mom, and I) went to Mitsuwa after picking her up at O'hare, apparently they don't sell Kewpie mayonnaise anywhere in Easton. I picked up July's Ray magazine, and was reminded of how much I hate certain fashion trends that are popular right now. Overalls, for example, do not look good on anyone. STOP IT. Marine-themed stuff is majorly fug as well, but marginally less so.
After that, we went to go see Walking With Dinosaurs at Allstate Arena. Kaz bought us tickets because he knows I like dinosaurs. ♥ It was pretty cool, and I managed to get a few pictures that weren't blurry beyond all recognition. It took me way longer than it should have to realize that the Utahraptors were not animatronic, but just people wearing very convincing costumes. I was a little disappointed, because before I noticed the human legs sticking out, I was like, "WHOA, technology is amazing!" and all that. Here's a picture of some Brachiosauruses. (Also, lol, spell-check corrects Brachiosaurus to Brontosaurus. Silly spell-check, you don't know anything, do you?)
They do move in herds!
On Sunday, we ventured forth into Chicago, that was actually the first time I've used the train here! It was surprisingly not terrible, and I have relatively high train standards. It took under an hour to get to Union Station, and then we pretty much just walked around and took pictures all day. Chicago looks like this, evidently.
It was very nice out, but it got really hot towards the middle of the day when there wasn't any shade to walk in. We didn't go to any museums or anything, just walked around and enjoyed the scenery, so I got a lot of cool pictures for once. Took sooo many pictures at this fountain...
The rest of the week was largely uneventful. Kaz had to work every day, so my mom and I just did a lot of shopping and I got to drive around our area more. I guess that was good, because I tend to just stay home when I'm by myself if I don't have a specific reason to go out. I'm a lot more comfortable driving to places around here now, at least. We went to Sakura for Japanese food with Kaz's family on Wednesday night, and then on Thursday my mom and I took the train into the city again to do the Chicago river architectural tour. I took another billion pictures, but they're 99.9% pictures of buildings, so I wasn't in a rush to resize and upload them.
I also got a haircut on Wednesday, that was long overdue. The salon was a little pricey and google directions made me miss my first appointment the previous day, but it worked out eventually. My hair looks a lot healthier now, and it's not too much shorter. ( ゚▽゚)/
I guess I'll have to start looking at jobs again come Monday, but there's not much to be done about it now. And on an unrelated note, somehow a wasp got into the bedroom and is flying around by the window. At least, I assume that's what it's doing. I noticed it this morning and fled into the living room in terror, then barricaded the door. Horrid things, wasps. Bees too, for that matter. I'm not opening the door again until it's gone. Very unfortunate, since my phone is down to one bar and the charger is right next to the wasp window.
But hey, speaking of bugs, I found this while I was in Chicago last weekend...
Butterflies are the shit.
And I guess that's all I have to update about. I'm sure I'll write more in the upcoming weeks, since I'll be home alone pretty much 24/7. ...Unless the wasp gets me first.
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