Slight correction to my last post. Well, an update, not a correction. The person who took the 1-bedroom we originally wanted decided to go for a bigger place, so we ended up being able to get that one after all! I'm strangely disappointed that we won't have 2 bedrooms now, even though we don't need it and wouldn't have nearly enough furniture to fill the space. The 1-bedroom has a nice design, though, pictures will be forthcoming as soon as we're all moved in!
Furthermore, we went to the animal shelter last Sunday to look at cats. There's something distressing about being in a room full of mewing kittens in cages, I felt like they needed my help and like I should have freed them or something. It's a no-kill shelter, and they all seem to be treated very well, the staff was really helpful. That said, they had a rule that says any kittens under 5 months need to be adopted in pairs. A good rule, I suppose, though having 2 cats right away in this new apartment would be a bit daft. Eventually, if it seems doable, I'd like to bring Reiko here as well. She doesn't care for change too much, though.
Anyway, we ended up looking at the available kittens at a shelter in McHenry (annoyingly far from here, but okay), and I am absolutely in LOVE with this one kitten. The shelter doesn't have a physical location, most of the pets are kept with foster families, but I've been trying to contact them for the past 2 days with no luck. I'm afraid someone will adopt her before I can get to the place! They must be pretty disorganized, because I emailed them Sunday with no response, then Kaz called them today and no one answered or phoned him back. It's so frustrating!
Maybe I'll e-mail them again tonight, but I don't want to seem crazy. Ugh.
Edit: Why does this post specifically keep attracting weird spam comments? It's really annoying, I'm disabling them on this one. D:<

The last week or two have been sort of eventful, so I figure I should write a bit of an update while I have time.
I was expecting this to happen sooner or later, so it wasn't much of a surprise, but the place that Kaz and I have been living in (it's his sister's old condo that's been on the market for a while) has finally sold. At least it seems that way, so we decided to go apartment hunting and move out before Thanksgiving. We'd done a bit of research, and then we went to look at apartments yesterday morning. After touring the 5 or so places we'd narrowed it down to, we sort of agreed on one place that's not far from here in Palatine.
So we went back to said apartment complex and asked to take one more look at the place before making a decision. In the meantime, some douchebag who was also interested in that exact unit came in and signed a lease, so we missed the place by about 20 minutes! What kind of terrible luck is that? So we ended up just agreeing to suck it up and pay extra for a 2-bedroom apartment that was in the same building as the one we wanted, almost directly upstairs. So now the aforementioned douchebag will be our neighbor, it's like a bad sitcom/reality show. D: The place is pretty sweet, though, and the floorplan of the one we got is called Compton. So it reminds me of True Blood... bonus! Maybe it was meant to be, or at least that's what I'll tell myself when we can't afford to buy anything but rice and beans for food.
On the plus side, now we can have a cat, or even a dog if we felt so inclined. The place seems very pet-friendly, which is a nice contrast to where we are now. We're planning to move next weekend.
Also fortunately, I've been upgraded from temp status at work, so I'm a bona-fide employee now. It's not a huge change, but I'm super-relieved that I won't just suddenly be jobless again any time soon. At least I don't think I will. (p・Д・;)
Now that we've found a place to live, we're going to an animal shelter near here pretty soon to take a look at the cats they have. For the life of me, I can't fathom why people would ever buy a cat from a pet store when there are so so so many that need to be adopted. With dogs, I'm more comfortable getting them from a legit breeder because then you know what you're getting into in terms of genetic predispositions/behaviour and all that, but with cats there's really no reason. Unless you're really set on a specific breed and want to buy one from a breeder, there's like, no reason not to adopt. Makes me so annoyed. ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ But I digress. This animal shelter we're going to is actually pretty close to my work. I should see about volunteering there, but I know I'd want to adopt every animal in the place.
...On a related note, I think when I do eventually get a dog, I'm thinking I might get a Westie.
More on these ongoing stories as they develop!