I've neglected my blog for over a month, for shame! I've been significantly more busy lately, now that I'm no longer unemployed. I guess that's a good thing, but I really find myself missing the massive amounts of free time I had when I was jobless. Grass is always greener, and all that.
I don't really want to get into any lengthy specifics about my job, it's going alright, though. I'm really enjoying the casual atmosphere, and the commute is pretty convenient. I hope they decide to make me a permanent employee soon, though, I hate being a temp. =(
Other than work, I haven't been up to all that much in the past few weeks. TF2 has re-captivated my interest for the time being, but I think I already mentioned that. Kaz and I are going to some Halloween party this weekend... I generally dislike parties, but it's probably good that we get out and be sociable every now and then. Halloween parties are always the worst though, because while I enjoy wearing costumes, I hate thinking of what to dress up as. I ended up buying a dress and shoes online from Bodyline, mostly because I've always sort of wanted an excuse to buy a ridiculous dress that I'll almost never have a reason to wear.
(The shoes are actually more white than the photo makes them look.)
Unfortunately, I didn't quite think this through, and I haven't really got an answer as to what kind of costume this is supposed to be. I guess I can just carry around a stuffed sheep and say I'm Little Bo Peep or Mary or something. I only have a stuffed alpaca, though, so this is already an inconvenience. Furthermore, the shoes are too big for me, even though I ordered a size smaller, so I need to invest in insoles or something before Saturday. I should have just bought a slutty nurse costume and been done with it. Oh well. There's always next year.
Now that I've earned my first paycheck, I allowed myself one impulse buy, and that was a new digital camera. I already have a Canon DSLR that I love dearly, but while it takes fabulous pictures, it's just too inconvenient to lug around everywhere I might want to take some pictures. Not only is it heavy, but I'm always afraid it'll get lost, stolen, broken, or all of the above. So I went and bought myself a Samsung dual-view camera, the ST100. I've yet to take any pictures with it that aren't horrible and grainy (see above), mostly because the only time I've had to play around with it has been at night when the lighting in our apartment is practically non-existent. It has pretty good specifications, though, so it should be adequate for a back-up camera.
In any case, I'm going to try and take more snapshots with this thing to practice using it, so maybe I'll post more pictures here now.
...Maybe. Until next time, cheers! ♪
short entry FTL! :V