So, way back in the day before I was old enough to have valid opinions, I was made to go to church every week. Catholic church, incidentally. I would say that I probably had to attend mass every week until I was in my early teens.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Somewhat disturbing realization #64
So, way back in the day before I was old enough to have valid opinions, I was made to go to church every week. Catholic church, incidentally. I would say that I probably had to attend mass every week until I was in my early teens.
Have I ever mentioned I love buying things on clearance? I'll buy pretty much anything that costs less than $7, on the off-chance that I may be able to one day work it into a super-cute coordinate. I like my outfit today, so I thought I'd camwhore it up a bit. ♪
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I was feeling pretty terrible yesterday about the luck I've been having with my job search, but then right when I was about to bash my head on a dull rock, I finally got a response from one of the places I'd applied to. It's delightfully close to here, less than a 10-minute drive, and seems like a pretty cool place to work. It's a customer service job, and the pay isn't anything amazing, but just getting an interview for once was a much-needed boost to my self-esteem. I should hear back pretty soon whether or not they'll hire me, but I guess either way I feel like at least now I've made some progress. I like to watch "To Catch a Predator" before interviews, because then even if I get asked a question I wasn't prepared for, at least the interviewer isn't Chris Hansen and isn't saying things like, "Why don't you have a seat over there..." or "I have your chat logs.".
Monday, July 19, 2010
Separated at birth?
I forgot I had taken some pictures of Kaz's sister's dog, Teddy, last weekend. He's so cute! Almost all the pictures came out terrible and blurry for some reason, but I just thought I'd post this.
See you next time!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Inception a pretty cool movie! Kaz and I went to see it this afternoon, we both really liked it. I guess I'm kind of late to the Leonardo DiCaprio fan club, I never cared for him when Titanic came out and all my fellow junior high-schoolers were in love with the guy. But I just recently watched Shutter Island which I also liked, and this movie was enjoyable as well, so I guess I'm a Leo fan now. I have to say, though, just based on the two most recent movies I've seen of his, Rose should have considered herself fortunate that Jack didn't make it to America in Titanic. His marriages never seem to end well.
The recipe was from here, I recommend it! We did add quite a bit of extra stuff, though. Onions, extra garlic/garlic powder, scallions, mushrooms, and a little orange juice. It's so easy and quick to make. ♪
Friday, July 16, 2010
By the way
Congratulations to my sister, Shay, for winning the Team Fortress 2 Polycount Pack contest! I didn't know there was such a thing, but a set of items she designed for the Spy are going to be made available to use in-game. Pretty neat!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I did my Wii Fit Plus again after 11 days, and though I was expecting to weigh more than last time, I actually lost 2 lbs. =D I'm going to try and keep up with it every day, as well as not snacking out of boredom. So far I'm doing pretty well. There's a pack of fruit snacks in the kitchen that are trying to make me stray, but I'm determined to hold out until dinner.
Daytime Television
While I've been home lately, I've been leaving the TV on in the background because I abhor silence and enjoy rotting my brain. For those of you that don't have the pleasure of being jobless or just don't watch television, the commercials they put on while normal people are at work seem to be targeting very specific groups of people. According to my extensive research, there are 6 types of advertisements you will see while watching TV between roughly 8AM and 4PM.
#6. Vonage
Because people without jobs can't afford telephones. Makes me feel better about myself, because I have a phone.
#5. Beauty/Weight loss Products
Shady-looking ads for products with funny science-y sounding names that promise to get rid of stretch marks, vericose veins, dark under-eye circles or whatever else ails you. Either that, or diet products that don't work. This also makes me feel better about myself, because I wouldn't need to buy them even if they did work.
#4. Structured Settlement Ads
JG Wentworth, Peachtree, etc. So if you filed a lawsuit and won money, you can get a lump sum to pay off loan sharks or your dealer or whatever. These commercials make me feel bad because they operate under the faulty assumption that I have money coming in at all.
#3. Community Colleges
These will either be ads for ITT Tech, University of Phoenix, or local community colleges. They all feel very strongly about the importance of a degree of some sort in either a) criminal justice, b) engineering, or c) criminal justice. They really push that one, because it sounds fun and if you're sitting at home watching a Law and Order marathon, very achievable. These commercials make me feel annoyed because I know they're full of crap. Also, I can't afford to go back to school, not that it'd be ITT Tech if I could.
#2. Credit Score/Bankruptcy Commercials
Evidently, everyone watching daytime TV has very, very bad credit. Except me, I think mine is okay. Makes me feel good about myself, because I don't need to file for bankruptcy. Yet.
#1. Binder & Binder
These commercials are bizarre and poorly executed, which I guess appeals to old people. They must be doing pretty well for themselves, though, because there's at least 2 of them every commercial break. There's one on as I'm typing this, as a matter of fact. I feel like there's some hidden significance to the guy putting on his weird Indiana Jones hat as he's talking to the camera, but I can't seem to determine what it is. I'm guessing it's a secret message that only people 65+ can understand. Something to look forward to, I suppose.
Now if you ever find yourself home from work with the flu and watching TV, you know what to expect!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
And now for my first actual post...
The dining room proudly presents... your dinner! [/Lumiere] This is the result of today's cooking adventure, it turned out pretty good! I made pork tenderloin with onions, garlic stuffing, and baby spinach leaves sauteed with olive oil, garlic and mushrooms.

And for dessert, chocolate chip cookies! Not made from scratch, unfortunately.
And for dessert, chocolate chip cookies! Not made from scratch, unfortunately.
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